After excitedly reading of the George Edward Lodge Trust in the English Country Life Magazine I made contact with Mr Brian Bird, Chairman of the Trust.
George Lodge was my Great Uncle, a dear, gentle, modest man who always figured prominently in our family.
I remember his correspondence with my mother, his niece. His interest in our lives in Australia and his wish to paint the Australian birds, unfortunately debilitating sea sickness prevented this. The thrill of his Christmas cards each year, wondering which bird it would be.
We had Kirkman and Jourdains book British Birds. As a child I was given this to look at when ill in bed. I Loved it. Gazing at Uncle George’s illustrations sowed the seed of my love of birds and his beautiful pictures, which give the birds such life, set in wonderful fore and back grounds. Paintings which supply all ages with joy and pleasure.
Uncle George once wrote how he wished he could live for 300 more years, to give him more time to learn. My grateful thanks go to Mr Brian Bird, The late Mr Dick Treleaven M.B.E., and Mr Oliver Swann, for their wonderful work in setting up the George Edward Lodge Trust, enabling many generations to come, to learn, reap the benefit
and pleasure of George Lodge’s genius and dedicated life to birds and nature.
The gain of knowledge never ends.
J. Magill